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As a club, we are committed to ensuring the safety of our members at all times. 


We will create a safe, disciplined environment where our members can train, learn and develop in the knowledge that they are safe.


The following in-class mandatory safety requirements will apply to all of our classes:


- All persons entering the class area will clean their hands at the hand cleaning station.


- There is a requirement that the temperature of all persons entering be taken via a forehead thermometer - persons at or above 38 degrees cent will not be able to enter.


- Students will arrive already changed to train - you may wear outer sports cloths i.e. tracksuit, when removed they must be immediately placed in your equipment bag.


- Your water bottle will remain in your equipment bag when not in use and will remain in your bag between using it.


- No personal clothing or equipment of any kind will be left in the gym after class.


- At the end of every class all equipment and clothing left behind will be disposed of immediately and will not remain in the gym.       


- We will implement a single user rule for all equipment i.e. Thai pads, strike shields and kick bags etc, may only be used by one person in each class. There will be no sharing of any personal equipment. All equipment will be appropriately cleaned after usage.


- When so permitted by Government regulation, partner training can occur. Under this Policy a training partner must remain as the same person for the duration of the class (i.e. no changing training partners)


- Spectators in the class area not allowed.


- Classes will have a clear signed separate entry and exit area.


- If your class follows back-to-back from another class, there will be no entry by those attending the next class until all those in the previous class have left.


- Instructors will ensure that cleaning and sanitising will occur before and after class and where required during class - particular attention to be paid to entry doors, sweat and blood on the floor. 


- Any chairs in the reception or training area are to remain no closer than 2 metres apart.


- Parents dropping their children to class will not be permitted to stay in the class, if they need to stay they must wait outside. 


Temperature Testing


If you feel unwell with covid 19 symptoms, even mild ones, stay home and get tested for COVID-19. Please follow the Government regulations. 


Temperature screening will ensure that all persons with a temperature of 38 Deg C or more are restricted from entry into the gym.


Temperature screening will be conducted at the entrance to the class by the designated screener. 


Key messages for COVID-19


You can help protect yourself, your family, your workplace, your gym and your community.


- Practice regular hand hygiene


- Practice social distancing


- Practice respiratory etiquette


- Seek medical advice if you have symptoms


If you have any questions regarding this policy, or around gym safety, please contact us.

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